

Personal Life coaching
Group Therapy Facilitator

  • Workshops in:
Staff management in a process of change and conflict resolution
How to deal with difficult clients
Listening skills in management and casework
Family Constellations
How to deal with stress and stressful situations
Dealing with depression
Attachment and loss
Cross cultural issues
Refugees, migrant and issues of attachment
Identity and cross cultural issues
  • Fees
Workshop are tailor made and fees are discussed according to group needs and demand

What is Coaching?

Coaching is the process of identifying an individual's desires,talents and dreams, and giving them confidence and skills to achieve their goals and aims. From athletes to top businessmen, good coaching is recognised as one of the key elements of success in all major competitive fields.
What do you want to be?
A decision maker a leader? more energetic, better organised a great public speaker, a sporting success, working in a job you love?
Coaching can help you to discover what YOU want, and to develop your potential. Rather than imposing a set of beliefs or course of action upon you, a coach will work co-operatively to help you make the decisions to change your life.Typically, the process of coaching involves:
•Identifying what your goals are
•Turning these goals into concrete objectives
•Creating a self-image that could achieve these objectives
•Forming a plan to realise this self-image
•Building a support framework
•Executing the plan
Monitoring and celebrating success At every step, your coach will be there to guide and support you, one-to-one. I can even continue the process through internet and phone if you have to travel apart in pursuit of your dreams.
Whatever your goals, coaching is the quickest and surest route to meet your aims.
Initial consultation fee £25 and each sessions is rated at £45 lasting 60'.